
Scary Halloween Annabelle Voodoo Doll

Sad wodoo spooky girl doll ith machine embroidery design

Have you ever wondered how our ITH machine embroidery dolls are made? This is an example of one of our dolls, the Scary Halloween Annabelle Voodoo Doll. This doll, Anabelle, comes in two designs, one is happy, one is sad. It is an in the hoop design, which means it is almost 100% made using the embroidery machine. Only a few hand stitching is involved at the end when you assemble the doll.

To make this doll we used soft and elastic fabrics like minky and fleece. For the clothes we also used fleece because it is non-fray. To stuff it we use superball silicone filling.

Scary Halloween Annabelle Voodoo  Doll

Legs and shoes

We like to start with the legs.

Step 1 – Place tear- away stabilizer into the hoop.  Stitch the placement stitch.

Step 2 – Place fabric right side up.  Stitch outline.

Step 3 –Place same material used for leg face down over leg and shoe and stitch outline, final stitching.

Step 4– Remove from the hoop.  Tear away all stabilizer.  Cut additional fabric away and around corners to assist with round edges and turn out.  Keep for when body is stitched, to add to body on indicated placement stitches. Do not stuff them yet.


Step 1 – Place tear- away stabilizer into the hoop.  Stitch the placement stitch. Place fabric right side up.  Stitch outline.

Step 2 – Place another piece of fabric right side together over the fabric and stitch final stitch. I hooped two sets of arms in one hoop for the two dolls.

Step 3 – Remove from the hoop.  Tear away all stabilizers. Cut additional fabric away and around corners to assist with round edges and turn out.  Keep for assembly later with ladder stitch to body.


Step 1 -Place tear- away stabilizer into the hoop. Run placement stitch. Place fabric for body right side up hold in place with tape or pins. Run placement stitch for hair.

Step 2 –Place fabric over the placement stitch, run the tack down stitch.

Step 3 – Remove hoop from machine, do not un hoop, trim hair on face as shown.

Step 4 – Return hoop to machine run the placement stitch for body applique. Place fabric over placement line. Run the tack down stitch. Remove hoop from machine, do not un hoop, trim applique inside body as shown. Return hoop to machine for embroidery on the applique.

Scary Halloween Annabelle Voodoo  Doll hair applique

Step 5 – Place water soluble topping over head area. Run the detail embroidery on the head.

Step 6 – Remove the water soluble topping. Run the placement stitch for the hair. Place hair right sides together, tape down and run the tack down stitch. Cut the hair both ends of the tack down line then tuck the hair up under out of the way and away from the final outline stitch.

Step 7 – Stitch the 2 placement stitches to show where to place the legs. Place legs (turned outside) on body where the top of the leg is in the direction of the bottom of the body.  Stitch the 2 stay stitches to keep the legs in place.  Then fold feet under legs and tape down to keep them out of the way of the final stitch outline of body.

Scary Halloween Annabelle Voodoo  Doll placing legs.

Step 8– Place same material used for the body face down over legs and body and stitch outline.  

Step 9 – Remove from the hoop.  Tear away all stabilizer.  Cut additional fabric away and around corners to assist with round edges and turn out. Become a hair stylist and trim the hair.

Scary Halloween Voodoo  Doll work in progress


Step 1 – Load back pattern and hoop tear away stabilizer. Run placement stitch. Place fabric right side up over placement line and run tack down stitch. Run the placement stitch for the straps, lay the straps over the placement line and tack down.

Step 2 – Trim the straps to around ¼ inch then turn strap up. Run the decorative stitches. Remove from hoop remove excess stabilizer, trim lower edge close to stitching and leave for placement on front later.

Step 3 – Load front pattern and hoop tear away stabilizer. Run placement stitch. Place fabric right side up over placement line and run tack down stitch. Run the embroidery stitches.

Step 4 – Remove hoop from machine, do not un hoop. Place back right side together over the front, line up side seams and top and bottom, tape in place. Run the final stitching.

Step 5 – Remove hoop from machine, remove from hoop, trim close to all edges. Remove all tear away. Turn the pants out. Could place straps in place and attach button here or when on the doll.

Scary Halloween Doll overalls

Assembling body

Step 1 – Cut around body to ensure that corners turn out complete.  Turn inside out.  Fill the legs and close the side of the leg with ladder stitch

Step 2 – Fill the body and head and close side opening with ladder stitch.

Step 3 – Fill the arms and close with ladder stitch.  Then sew the arms to the body.

Scary Halloween Annabelle Voodoo  Doll

Step 4 – Place overalls on from the bottom upwards.

Step 4 – Stitch a button onto the eye. Place ribbon onto legs.

Project complete

Scary Halloween Annabelle Voodoo  Doll

We hope you have enjoyed this tutorial teaching you how Scary Halloween Annabelle Voodoo Doll is made.

If you want to make Scary Halloween Annabelle Voodoo Doll, or any other of our dolls you can get more doll designs here.

Also, we made some video tutorials on our YouTube channel to help you understand and use our designs. See them here.

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